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RAUSI Takes Note | 19-Jan-2022
In a recent article, the ICDS – Estonia, discuss a number of Russian national domestic priorities which are helping to drive their Arctic investments.
RAUSI Announcements | 14-Jan-2022
The Duke of York, Prince Andrew, has not been serving as a Patron of RAUSI since October 2021. RAUSI initiated this transition of its own accord and the Prince concurred …
RAUSI Takes Note | 12-Jan-2022
Keep an eye on the high stakes political negations this week as Putin contemplates his next move.
RAUSI Takes Note | 11-Jan-2022
This US Naval Institute article discusses a number of recent infrastructure and procurement items necessary for Russia’s military to operate in the austere Arctic environment throughout the year.
RAUSI Announcements | 07-Jan-2022
The January RAUSI Dispatches has been sent to our members. Issues are now available on our website …
RAUSI Takes Note | 07-Jan-2022
RAUSI has curated a number of articles which discuss Russia’s military ambitions in the Arctic. While Russia remains a major Arctic participant, they are not the only threat to Canada’s Northern …
RAUSI Takes Note | 02-Dec-2021
Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) has released an update on the Regiment's support in British Columbia.
RAUSI Announcements | 02-Dec-2021
The December RAUSI Dispatches has been sent to our members. Issues are now available on our website …
RAUSI Announcements | 13-Nov-2021
A new Service Appreciation page has been added to the RAUSI website, listing businesses and events that honour veterans or active service personel.
RAUSI Announcements | 10-Nov-2021
A message from our RAUSI President, as we remember our fallen on 11 November, 2021.
RAUSI Takes Note | 08-Nov-2021
In a recent publication titled OPERATIONALIZING THE ARCTIC, Dr. Ryan Burke and Dr. Cameron Carlson call for the coordination of the various US DoD Arctic strategies.
RAUSI Announcements | 01-Nov-2021
The November RAUSI Dispatches has been sent to our members. Issues are now available on our website …